Saturday, February 16, 2013

Saints of Kandhala Jattan ( ਕੰਧਾਲਾ ਜੱਟਾਂ ਦੇ ਸਾਧੂ ਅਤੇ ਸੰਤ) Udated

    I am trying to document and put on record the lives of religious personalities of the village. Some of these are not so holy and can be called crooks or fake (ਪਾਖੰਡੀ ਸਾਧੂ) also. Readers can decide themselves who were fake and who were genuine. Those whom I remember are:-

  1. Baba Bishan Singh
  2. Baba Sobha Singh
  3. Baba Munsha Singh
  4. Baba Nirmal Singh - Nirmal Akhada Daria Pind ( ਪਿੰਡ ਦਰੀਏ ਦੇ ਬਾਬਾ ਨਿਰਮਲ ਸਿੰਘ )
  5. Baba Bihari wala Saadh (
  6. Nirmal Singh Chardi pati wal da (ਚੜਦੀ ਵਲ ਦਾ ਨਿਰਮਲ ਸਿੰਘ )
  7. Ram Singh ( ਭਈਆ / ਬਾਬਾ ਰਾਮ ਸਿੰਘ )
  8. Neelu Baba  (ਨੀਲਾ ਬਾਬਾ ) - later made Gurudwara near Rampur
  9. Bachittar Singh
  10. Mohani Baba (Naiyan da) (ਨਾਈਆਂ ਦਾ ਮੋਹਣੀ)
Baba Bishan Singh

A marble stone in Gurudwara reads as follows :-

"This sacred place belongs to Sriman Maharaj Singh's disciple Baba Bishan Singh whose soul left for heavenly abode on Bikrami Samat 1957 6th  Kartik Vadi (Waning Decreasing moon).  Signed Baba Sobha Singh"

It amounts to saying that he breathed his last here in year 1901. This day is celebrated till today and has now become the annual event when series of Akhand Paths are performed and Kirtan Darbar is organised.

Little is known about Baba Bishan Singh. He was known to be a pious man and a true Saint. 

A legend is told that once in Gurudwara langar (community food) was being cooked. In a big vessal (deg) dal (pulses) was being cooked. A small utensil (katori) fell in the boiling dal. Baba Bishan Singh saw that and he took out that katori with his naked arm from the boiling pot. There are other such legends attributed to him. He was Nihang Singh and since those days Nihangs have been visiting every year on their way to Anandpur Sahib where they go t participate in Hola Mahalla.  
Baba Sobha Singh
Baba Sobha Singh succeeded Baba Bishan Singh. He was known to be a tireless worker. He constructed the Gurudwara (Old building) and dedicated it to Baba Bishan Singh. He would go around  fields when farming used to be in full swing  and provide water to farmers and cattle during summers. He also preached true Sikhism and brought many villagers under true Sikhism by way of Bapitism to Sikhi (Amrit Chhakana). 

Baba Munsha Singh
Baba Munsha Singh was a soft spoken, humble and saintly figure. He constructed modern building of the Gurudwara. He served Gurudwara the longest. He really managed the Gurudwara very well and tried to keep himself away from controversies. He also procured new Palkis (palanquin)  for Guru Granth Sahib and Sukh Asan place . He also popularised the taking out procession (Jaloos) on Guru Gobing Singh's birth anniversaries (Prakash Purab). 
During Baba Munsha Singh's time, the area of Gurudwara was enlarged by way of inclusion of private land close to the road and also the filling up of a big deep well right in front of the Gurudwara. Almost the entire village worked hard to bring up the area in front of the main Gurudwara. The whole low lying area was filled up by picking up sand in trolleys and carts from Panchayat land. Gurudwara was given a good facelift. He had langar going on every day. He also ensured the presence of eminent Ragis and Kirtani Jathas on special occasions. People worked in Gurudwara with complete devotion. 
In fact, during his days Gurudwara saw a golden period.

Baba Nirmal Singh (Nirmal Akhara) Dariye Wale
Baba Nirmal Singh came along with Nirmal Akhara Sadhus who visited the village sometime in March 1973. They were about 25-30 members and he was their head. They had one elephant, few horses and may be few bullacarts also. They camped at Baba Bishan Singh Gurudwara. Every evening they would hold kirtan and Arti - highlight being beautiful display of Arti Thali in front of Guru Granth Sahib. Baba Nirmal Singh performed his Katha cum Kirtan towards end of the Kirtan every evening. He had unique style where he would tell everyone to repeat what he sang. He had good voice that he pitched very high. He would recite Katha with high, energetic and reverberating voice. 

He also started Amrit Sanchar (Amrit Chhakana / Sikh Baptism) . There was a great surge and new found enthusiasm amongst villagers to become Guru ke Sikh. Whole lot of people became Amritdhari Sikhs. It became a kind of fashion to have Amrit. But their enthusiasm was mostly short lived and most of them removed their Kirpans and other symbols of faith soon thereafter.

Baba Nirmal Singh also started giving some kind of Desi medicines to patients. Whole lot of patients flocked to him during daytime for the medicines. Some of those who got cured (maybe by nature) talked of miracles and attracted many more. But mostly people came to take medicine because it was free of cost. Women folk too came in fairly large numbers. Some even hoped to be blessed for getting a son and other miracles. Most of the villagers would flock to Gurudwara to him in the afternoon to drink  'Bhang di Sardai or Sukha- as it was called' (Kind of sweet drink which had intoxicating effect).

He was also invited by villagers to their homes for lunch along with other members of the Akhara. Everyday the sound of Narsingha would be heard from one or other street of the village. People would also bring fodder for his elephant and horses. 

As they say 'Familiarity breeds contempt'  - as his stay in village prolonged (probably he never experienced such devotion in any other village earlier) the things started going wrong. Soon tongues started wagging and all kinds of bad-mouthing and bitching about him started going around. Some talked of him getting his legs messaged by women while others questioned his treating the patients.   On few occasions some people  barged into his evening Kirtan, in state of drunkenness  and shouted at him to stop the Kirtan and abused him.  
Though there was no dearth of his devotees. One Mahan Singh of nearby village became his utmost dedicated devotee. It was said that he was blessed with a son due to blessing of Baba Nirmal Singh. As interest of people started waning in Baba Nirmal Singh and his Akhara members too appeared to be fed up of staying here - they took the decision to move off from the village after about prolonged stay of about 8-9 months. The moved to village Bainchan that is about 5 kilometers away. Soon people of Kandhala Jattan started going there. Some even requested him to come back with Akhara. But Akhara members were in no mood to come back. But Baba Nirmal Singh left the Akhara and came back. He initially stayed at Gurudwara Baba Bishan Singh but as he found that it was not the same story that was earlier - he, on request from his devotee Mahan Singh, moved to village Dariya. There he stayed in small thatched hut outside Mahan Singh's house. He continued to be invited to give discourse at Akhand Paths and other religious ceremonies. He also organised few trips to religious places such as Hazoor Sahib, Anandpur Sahib etc. He also continued to 'treat' the patients. 

He was  good protagonist of Kirtan sung in classical music style. Unfortunately no one among the villagers had liking for that kind of Kirtan. He organised Kirtan Durbar with eminent Classical Raagis coming and performing Kirtan - once a year. It is still being followed by his disciple (Baba?)Makhan Singh. He also tried to cure some of addicts (Amlis) but could not. Overall he was good person but could not remain free of controversies. He died in late eighties (I am not sure about his year of death. Somebody can put me wise on that).

Baba Bihari Wala Sadh

 This place is worshiped as place of forefathers (ਜਠੇਰੇ) . There are two brickwork tombs at Baba Bihari. Little is known about the main brick work tomb  as to who it belongs to. But another one (out of two) is said to constructed at place where one son of (late)  Kartar Singh Radio of Ghorewaha  who has settled closer to this place, was cremated long time back. I was told that he committed suicide. 

But I am writing about the Baba (?) who lived here for many years and died about four / five years back. I do not know his name. Readers may put me wise on him. 
Anyway, there was hardly any quality of a Saint in him. He was only outwardly Sadhu but in actual a freeloader, an addict and 'good for nothing' fellow. 
He simply enjoyed free meals brought to him by (Late) Harbans Singh (ਤਾਯਾ ਬੰਸਾ). In fact Harbans Singh, who worked hard and earned his meagre living from his small farm holding,  ensured daily meals to this Saadh. But this fellow would hardly give Harbans Singh any credit and would often complain to others about quality of food brought by Harbans Singh. In fact years of devotion to him bore no fruit for Harbans Singh. His both sons died young. His lot did not improve. It also proves that worshiping fake Sadhus brings you no good. 
This Saadh would do nothing whole day except eat, sleep and  enjoy Bhang (ਭੰਗ ) that grew in abundance in adjoining fields. There were also some reports of his trying to molest Harijan women who went around fields to cut grass. 
He would talk that he possesses great powers and is disciple of Shiv Ji. But he hardly ever demonstrated his 'great powers'. In fact he was anything but a Saint. But simple villagers took him as Saint for his long saffron robe (ਚੋਲਾ), his  roped hairs (ਜਟਾਵਾਂ) and wooden sandals (ਖੜਾਵਾਂ).   
Whole winter and most part of the year he would keep fire woods burning (ਧੂਣੀ ) there . He must have burnt tons of woods there.
He simply enjoyed life and died few years back.

Nirmal Singh (ਚੜ੍ਹਦੀ ਵਲ ਦਾ ) The Ghost Buster (ਭੂਤ ਪ੍ਰੇਤ ਕਢਣ ਵਾਲਾ) 

He was from family of carpenters / blacksmiths. He was also kind of mechanic of sorts.

His father was follower of Dera Baba Badbhag Singh which is located near Gagret  (Kangra) in Himachal Pradesh. They had placed Guru Granth Sahib in one room of their home and made a kind of Gurudwara. They organised meeting of congregation on every first Tuesday (ਜੇਠਾ ਮੰਗਲਵਾਰ ) of Desi Month .  

Some people would come from far and wide to attend that. Most of them would bring men & women who (they thought) were possessed by ghosts of people who had died. He would claim to cure them.He also claimed to be possessed by spirit of Badbhag Singh. Men & women would move their heads in cycles in wild frenzy, with hair loose, some would collapse, some would shout incoherent words. 

He would guide them to fall prostrate in front of Guru Granth Sahib  and his seat ( ਗੱਦੀ ) where they would end their session of being possessed. Offerings made in front of Guru Granth Sahib probably helped him to run his house. Most of his disciples were from Lubana community (Area near Miani – west of Tanda Urmar). 

Very few people from our village followed him. Most of them never took him seriously. In fact few people did object to his making - so called - possessed men & women sit / dance (sort of) bare headed and in front of Guru Granth Sahib.   

He met with a gory end when he, while repairing belt of of flour making machine got entangled in the belts and died on the spot. His wife now runs the place but his following has decreased to a great extent.  

Baba Ram Singh (ਬਾਬਾ ਰਾਮ ਸਿੰਘ  ਜਾਂ ਰਾਮੂ ਭਈਆ)
( Earlier name Ramu Bhaiia - the Labourer from Bihar)
 He was a typical rags to riches story. He came to village as Ramu - as a typical Bihari (Jharkhand or Chhatisgarh)  tribal labourer. He worked with household of Mahinga Singh driver. When Baba Nirmal Singh started his Sikh Baptism (Amrit Chhakana) movement Ramu Bhaiia also got baptised and became a Sikh and he was named Ram Singh. He became ardent devotee of Baba Nirmal Singh.

He left the job and became full time 'Sadh'. He put on saffron clothes and would pretend to  do Gurbani recital especially  when some devotee came around. He could never pick up Punjabi leave aside reading Gurbani from Guru Granth Sahib. But he was damn clever and could easily fool outsiders who would get taken in by his appearance and easy tongue.

When Baba Nirmal Singh was in the village  Ram Singh remained with him and would tag along with him wherever he went.  But Ram Singh was also very shrewd and he saw that since Baba Nirmal Singh is a tramp and has no permanent place - so he he chose to continue in the  village Gurudwara after Baba Nirmal Singh left. Soon Ram Singh became indispensable sort of person in Gurudwara and at times even started calling shots in Gurudwara - at times even side-lining Baba Munsha Singh - who was main Sant of Gurudwara.

It was post 1984 period when he got transformed into all powerful person. Since I have already brought out that he was a very shrewd person, his shrewdness and loose tongue became his bane. Somehow, he developed strong contacts with civil administration and most importantly with police. He was most sought after person whenever somebody had some police case. At time people would say that whenever he went to police station Tanda Urmar, Thanedar (SHO) would receive him by getting up from the chair and address him as 'Baba Ji' in complete reverence. He could get anything done by police and civil administration. Some one told me that once he went to Delhi alongwith him and was surprised to see him being welcomed by politicians such as Home Minister Buta Singh and President Giani Zail Singh. When they could not get a seat in train back to Punjab from Delhi, Ram Singh rang up Home Minister Buta Singh - they got seats in train no time. Such was his clout.

Except from book 'Blue Star over Amritsar' by Harminder Kaur
He would carry large amounts of cash. Most of the time - he would talk about his contacts with ministers and even Rajiv Gandhi who was prime minister. Villagers were perplexed by him meteoric rise as a 'Super Baba' who could get anything done. His lifestyles changed. Most of the time he would travelling far wide. But village Gurudwara still continued his base.  He continued his dream run and bask in glory of being 'Baba' Ram Singh till one day he was killed by militants in an religious function in village - in full view of everybody. He remained an enigma and was touted as some kind on intelligence agent. 

I could not believe that - till I read a book , recently, titled 'Blue Star Over Amritsar written by Harminder Kaur, a journalist. Reader may please read page number 183 and 184. It has excepts from a book named 'Open Secrets' written by MK Dhar who was a Joint Director of Intelligence Bureau in those days. Job given to him was to recruit people to infiltrate into militant ranks. They were made Sikhs and sent to Punjab to join various sects. They gave him all the information. So most probably Ram Singh alias Ramu was indeed one such agent. 

Readers are most welcomed to contribute their views through comments or through email to me on following e mail address:-

Monday, February 4, 2013

Death of Tehal Singh (Ghudda)

Tehal Singh (Uraf Ghudda) died fee days back. He was one of the leading Ragi in Giani Karam Singh's Jatha during  initial days. Another Ragi used to be Late Amar Singh who died few years back. Giani Karam Singh is bed ridden due to paralytic stroke that he suffered few years back. Later they parted ways and joined different Jathas. Ghudda used to play Harmonium while Amar Singh used to play  Mandolin. Ghudda had very high pitched voice.

Ghudda was also a good Pathi (Granthi). However some of his deeds did not go well with public. Those are not to described here.

Anyway he was an important personality of Kandhala Jattan and will be always missed.

May Waheguru grant peace to his soul!