Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Theft at Gurudwara Baba Bishan Singh

In first week of May 2011 an incident has happened in our village which has sent shock waves all around. The Donation box (ਗੋਲਕ ) was stolen at around midnight. All those who visit Gurudwara must have seen that it is quite heavy and very safe and secure. Moreover after recent modification CCTV cameras were installed inside the sanctum sanctorum. However nothing could deter the evil doers.
The thieves broke open the main gate lock and thereafter side gate lock though which they threw out the Donation Box. Thereafter they took it away towards fields. However people got alerted and alarm was raised. Later Donation Box was found about a kilometer away in the fields. As will of the God prevailed - the Donation box being heavy it could not be carried too far and also could not be opened. The thieves could only lay hands on money that was somewhat jutting out and of course coins that could be taken out.
Nobody could be apprehended. Unfortunately the CCTV as found to be non-functional on that fateful day and no one knew it (possibly thieves knew it). It is suspected to be job of group of junkies (ਅਮਲੀਆਂ). This incident also raise the questions about moral degradation of people who could scoop so low as to carry out theft at such a revered place where believers take pride in giving offerings. May God bless such persons who have no fear of His wrath!